Una vez hecha la riquísima masa, la base de fondant...¡sólo nos falta
pensar cómo vamos a regalar estas deliciosas galletas!
Once we have made this tasty dough, the fondant base ... we just need to
think how we're giving away these delicious cookies!
pensar cómo vamos a regalar estas deliciosas galletas!
Once we have made this tasty dough, the fondant base ... we just need to
think how we're giving away these delicious cookies!
En Monsterscake os proponemos varias ideas:
In Monsterscake we suggest several ideas:
In Monsterscake we suggest several ideas:

1. Coge tus galletas. Take you cookies.
2. Corta lacitos y papel transparente. Cut out some bows and transparent paper.3. Y elabora pequeños paquetitos. And make small packets.

¡Este es el resultado! Unos afortunados niños se las comieron todas...
This is the result! Some lucky children ate it all ...
This is the result! Some lucky children ate it all ...
¡Y aqui otra idea diferente con lazos y toppers!
Here you have another idea with bows and toppers!

Here you have another idea with bows and toppers!

¡Esperamos que hayais disfrutado con nuestro tutorial y que compartais con nosotras la experiencia cookiera!
We hope you have enjoyed with our tutorial and you'll share with us the cookies' experience!
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